History of Psychology of science even as we know most centered of the early development of European history from the greek, roman until the late 19th century which then spread to various parts of the world.
Approach and orientation of science in the world of psychology stems from the Greek philosophy, namely the transition from the mindset animisime to natural science, ie knowledge derived from nature. At this time trying to explain human behavior through the principles of nature or principle of analogy with natural phenomena.
Throughout the period of the Roman empire, the debate about human life shifted from a broad topic, the relationship between humans and the environment / nature, toward an understanding of life in a more specific, the relationship between aspects within man himself.
Renaissance is a transitional period, where knowledge is under the influence of church doctrinal changes to the role of reason. The spirit of enlightenment increasingly evident in the development of science and philosophy through the strengthening of the role of reason (reason) in all fields. The emergence of discussion about. "Knowledge" that led to the development of science and scientific method advanced by leaps and bounds. Emphasis on real facts rather than abstract thought. (Impact on psychology study that wants to be a scientific and empirical studies)
Post-Renaissance, Psychology trying to become part of the science of physiology appeared in the 19th century along with the progress of natural sciences (natural science). Where to begin this phase there is empirical and scientific answers of the questions that often arise in the past such as: What is a soul (soul)? What forms of concrete? How to measure it? How do body-soul relationship? All questions were answered by advances in the field of physiology, including research in the field of neural activity, sensation, and brain that give empirical basis of the soul (soul), who also previously considered to be very abstract.
In the late 19th century, with the development of natural science and the scientific method is established as described in the previous section, the European intellectual context was "ready" to accept the discipline of psychology as an independent and formal.
Psychology is the birthplace of Germany. Hence the emergence of psychology can not be separated from social context Germany whose mission is to form human quality and provider of professional employment. Wilhelm Wundt, who proclaimed the first person psychology as a discipline. Wundt was a doctor who is interested in the field of physiology, which is a physiological way for psychology to get into the realm of empirical science and stand as an independent science.
Until then study psychology formed and evolved with the emergence of various kinds of psychological streams. Here is a picture and study the development of psychology:
Psychology structuralism / Experimental emphasis on the mental element, that the mental (soul) can diempiriskan with physiological processes Gestalt psychology reject the analysis and decomposition of the soul into the elements that are smaller because in this way, the meaning of life itself is changing because of its unity is gone. Emphasizing on the phenomenology of mental activity but still empirical. (Moved to America but it is difficult to grow due to the flow of behaviorism)
Psychoanalysis follow the mental activity of Gestalt (Freud with psikodinamikanya at the level of awareness and non awareness) but not empirical (prevent rely on empiricism). Unlike the two previous flow dijerman, psychoanalysis evolved not from the research the academics, but based on experience from clinical practice of hypnosis in treating patients with hysteria.
Functionalism Psychology emphasis on mental function is not only the translation of the mental elements (physiological) Psychology Behaviorism states that the soul or the mental processes can diempiriskan through real behavior rather than physiological Humanistic psychology contribute in a positive direction and optimistic for the development of human potential, referred to as a restore nature of human psychology as a science, perspectives and methods derived from philosophy after World War II.
Brennan, James F. 2006. History and Systems of Psychology. London: PT.RajaGrafindo Persada
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The Science of Psychology
Deskripsi : History of Psychology of science even as we know most centered of the early development of European history from the greek, roman until the ...
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Ahma Indraki,
Friday, 22 April 2011 - Rating:
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