Often we hear the debate surrounding it heretical and the sunnah. This debate even led to the split. Though not necessarily so, precisely the difference is the grace, provided we are willing tolerant. Therefore be important for Muslims to find out whether it's heresy, and heresy as to what should be done and who should not be done?
According to the scholars' innovation in worship was divided in two: the heresy and heretics dhalalah hasanah. Among the scholars' that divides innovation into two categories are:
1. Imam Shafi'i
According to Imam Shafi'i, heresy was divided in two; heresy and heretics madzmumah mahmudah. So the innovation that is mahmudah mencocoki sunna, and the sunna is not mencocoki madzmumah.
Heresy hasanah / mahmudah divided into two. The first is mandatory, such as codification of heresy (gathering) of the Koran at the time of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, and the collection of hadiths into big books in the days afterward.
Whereas the second heresy is heresy hasanah sunna, such as prayer tarawih 20 cycles in the time of Caliph Umar ibn Khathab.
2. Imam al-Bayhaqi
Heresy by Imam Bayhaqi divided in two; heresy madzmumah and ghairu madzmumah. Every heresy that does not violate the Koran, the Sunna, and consensus' is heresy mahmudah or ghairu madzmumah. While the reprehensible innovation (madzmumah) is an innovation that has no basis syar'i altogether.
3. Imam Nawawi
Heresy according to Imam Nawawi was divided into two; heresy and heretics qabihah hasanah.
4. Imam Ibn al-Athir Hafidz
Ibn Athir also divided into two border patrol; heresy contained clues texts (the text of the Qur'an/hadith) in it, and the heresy that there is no indication in the texts in her ¬.
So any form of heresy that violates the Book and the Sunnah is reprehensible and must be denied. But the heresy that the arguments of generality mencocoki nash, then enter the kategoti commendable.
And what about the hadith
كل بدعة ضلالة
Every innovation is misguidance.
Here is the opinion of the scholars':
1. Imam Nawawi
The above hadith is in the category of 'am (general) should ditakhshish (itemized).
2. Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hafidz
The above hadith is in the category of 'am but the desired is khash (' am yuridu bihil khash). That is the text of the hadith is general, but in pemaknaannya required details.
There are some scholars' heresy that divides into five sections as follows,
1. Heresy that must be done: for example, studied Nahwu, studying systematic theology arguments with the aim to demonstrate to the Atheists and those who disbelieve in Islam, etc..
2. Innovations that mandub (recommended): for example, call to prayer using loudspeakers, print scholarly books, build madrassas, and others.
3. Heresy is permissible: for example, makes a colorful dish of food, and the like.
4. Makruh heresies that: for example, excessive in decorating Manuscripts, mosques and so on.
5. Unclean heresy: that is any novelty in terms of religion as opposed to the generality of the proposition syar'i. eg praying isya seven rekaat etc..
source: nu.or.id
Judul :
Sunnah and Bi'dah
Deskripsi : Often we hear the debate surrounding it heretical and the sunnah. This debate even led to the split. Though not necessarily so, precisely th...
Ditulis oleh :
Ahma Indraki,
Saturday, 2 July 2011 - Rating:
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